Herd Health

We offer Bovine testing

We also offer specialized procedures for bovines, including ultrasonography for pregnancy detection, bloodwork in house and at a commercial outside lab, power float and radiology for injured animals.

Wellness exams include routine hoof care, annual vaccinations for Rabies, Clostridium C & D (overeating disease), and tetanus. Includes worming and boosters for vitamin E and selenium to prevent white muscle disease. Includes vaccination for rhinopneumonitis for camelids housed with equines. We evaluate body scores annually, as obesity is such a problem in these animals.

Sickness exam emergency coverage includes administration of intravenous fluids, treatment for meningeal worm, treatment for choke, heat stroke, overeating disease, polioencephalomalacia, listeriosis, and "failure to thrive" syndrome.

Surgery includes routine surgical castrations, dental work, growth removal, and microchip insertion.